Max Protect Silk Coat is a fresh coating protecting layer that is applied like a regular quick detailer spray and can be used as QD & hydrophobic top-up all in one. It is our last recommended stage for all of our professional coating applications.
Silk Coat adds incredible smooth feel to the surface, improves hydrophobic properties and adds a extra depth and shine to the finish. It protects fresh coating while it is curing (up to 2 weeks).
Silk Coat is the only product you will ever need to maintain your coatings. Super easy to apply and works instantly!
Very effective as a standalone Quick Detailer product, but on top of coatings it does magic!
Impossible to mess things up as it won’t haze/steam/leave streaks even on pitch black paintwork! Silk Coat can be used on any surface, including glass, plastic, metal, etc.
Made in Japan